Tuesday, June 4, 2024

4 June (Tue) Happiest Place on Earth... same look but now a different feel...

Disneyland was known, to many, the happiest place on earth. 

I looked forward coming back to Disneyland - a place that is known to be one of the happiest places on earth. It's the surreal fairyland immersion where children find dreams, and perhaps for adults to escape from reality. 

I looked forward to get into the "small world" - the evergreen - It's a small world after all - like the concept where people of different nationals come together, though setting is by regions, but in children's eyes, it's borderless, singing the same tune, though in different languages.

The feel, this time, is quite different from the past - the last time I visited Disneyland was more than 10 years ago. The excitement is no longer as much as I had anticipated. No rush. Perhaps it's maturity. Age matters, I guess. The state of mind is now different. The urge to cover as many places is no longer there. The approach is really... own time own target. It's no longer critical to check the timing of the shows and plan. I now walk more slowly, to see what I might have missed in the past because of the rush? 

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